seriale tv All The Love In The World: ...My Favorite AJL Moment (2003)..

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

...My Favorite AJL Moment (2003)..


Waa.. I know this is so-called 'Yesterday'.. But the memory remained and will always do.. Love it since then.. Love what? Hehe..

Since Malaysia are still in the mood of talking about AJL 25.. yaaa.. Ana Raffali? What? Why? Whom? Well.. It doesn't matter.. for me.. any winner of this AJL 25 deserves it *since I don't have any favorite.. haha.. despite I do love Hanyut by Faizal Tahir.. still can't really care.. ('_')

Anyway.. Won't scatter things any further.. Coz I just wanna share My Favorite AJL Moment by my everlasting favorite singer.. Who? Help your self.. (^_^)


Well.. the tap dance is of coz not really impress me. I'm only impressed by her.. despite the fake ending.. she still got the big applause at the end.. huhu.. LOVE IT! (^_^)v.. U RAK GAL!! 

Afterall.. It just my taste.. As anyone of U guys do..


Muttallif said...

Urs taste still remain, even it already almost 10 years i know u...

p/s: put shoutbox at u blog plzzzz

jamalia said...

she mmg performer... sama la mcm ko lid... ehh... cuba ko bw lagu hanyut tu, m pretty sure u can hit it.. hehe..

UniCorn_|aDy said...


Desk Of Carlo Santeekee said...

taliff: Orite sifu.. will update the blog.. rite now.. tq.. huhu

jama: erk.. akan cek lagu tuh d redbox.. tq.. (^_^)

Emma: tok bukan komen.. erk.. tq.. aihhh

UniCorn_|aDy said...

mun tok?

Desk Of Carlo Santeekee said...

tok just shout-out..

salah ruang tok..

$_$ Aihhh
